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Anti Collision Glasses for the Blind


We are making so many things and stuffs and all of us with normal eyes are experiencing it. But what if we have no eyes?? Can you imagine??Horrible..right?They face so many problems. So keeping in mind of those people, I'm here presenting a specs for the visually impaired which can prevent collision. It will give an alarm when the person is very near to a obstacle and he/she is going to collide with it.


1. Arduino Nano/Micro

2. Ultrasonic Sensor HCSR04 1pc

3. 32Ohm headphone speaker

4. some jumpers

5. tapes for attaching

6. A specs

7. Switch 1pc

8. Battery(I used here 9V, u can go for Li as well)


This glass has the Arduino Nano as the brains of the system.The person will wear the glasses and switch it on.Now he starts walking. As the ultrasonic sensor detects that if the distance between the person and an obstacle is below 20 Cm(u can change to any value u want)....he will get an alert over the 32Ohm headphone Speaker( I have used a melody tone as the alert) attached in his ear.And he will immediately be aware of that obstacle. So the collision will be prevented.

here you can find the working of HCSR04.


Here is the circuit Schematic in a Fritzing file here you can download fritzing.

After installing, open the file attached here and attach the components as given using jumpers. It is pretty easy.

Use tapes for easy attaching in the specs. Attach the speaker and the switch. Your stuff should somewhat look like the pic attached here



Now open the arduino Software and download the two files attached here.You need to simultaneously run the two files. That the Blind_glasses.ino first and then open a new tab and open the pitches.h file. Then upload the sketch.The two file will be uploaded simultaneously.See the pic attached here for details.

So your glasses are now ready. Power on the switch and plug the speaker to your ear and test it and help your blind ones in your neighborhood. In case of any problem comment here or mail me at [email protected]
