If you are an homebrewer you know how is boring to bottle 60 or more liters. And you also know how a good bottle filler is expensive.
When I say a good bottle filler i mean one whith at least 3 valves to fill your bottles, a pump to initiate the flow and a way to stop the flow when the bottle is full. This kind of stuff cost 2600€ in Europe.
Soooo, i'll will explain you how to make a very cheap and versatile bottle filler with an arduino. According to your need you can add more or less valves, i tried the system with 2 and it's working well, so now i'll be make it for 6.
All my code and schematics are doing for 6 valves, but you can use them for less. But if you want more you'll need to change some parts!
Here you have the Bill Of Material, the first part is the main system and the second part is what you need to make 1 valve if you want 4 of them you just have to buy 4 times more!
Main system :
Valve : (For 1 valve)
In total you can get 6 valves bottlefiller for 150€
The electronic part is pretty easy, you even don't need any skill to do it, just know how to solder.
Some explaination about the fritzing schematic:
Some explaination about the eagle schematic:
Here is my code! there is not much to say about, it's really simple if you used to program with arduino, for the others here some explainations :
There is 3 big part in this code ;
The "head" is the first part, i declare all variables i will use in the programme. In this case i use 3 kind of variables
The "setup" part is the part where you tell to the machine what to do when it starts, this action is made once. In this part i just declare each pin IN or OUT.
The "loop" part is the body of the program. The loop will be executed until you stop the machine. I will try to explain what happened with this.
This is my eagle files if you want print pcb for this project. In the pcb you will see an IRLZ44Z, it's actually TIP102, it doesn't change anything for you.
I hope this instructable was usefull for you and you apreciated it!