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Arduino Infrared RC Car


Hello. Despite numerous other RC Car Instructables, I wanted to add my own because I believe it is built in a decent way and can help others in builidng their own. So lets start with the parts you need in My version.



For assembling the body, you can watch this video


You may have to drill some new holes in the board to fit the H-bridge or the battery holder that comes with the body. The screws might be a bit too short too, but then just go to your local store and buy some longer M3 screws.

In the beginning I ducktaped the entire construction until I saw it was working properly, then I for example, removed the sheet from the back of the breadboard and attached the breadboard to the body. I also drilled some 2.5mm holes for the infra red sensor so it all fits nicely. You can get a better look of how I did it all in the picture attached here.


If you order the infrared sensor from the same link I ordered, be wary because someone who made the little PCB the sensor is on, crisscrossed some of the connections and if you follow this datasheet

and connect the sensor to the Nano like that, you'll short the sensor and burn it. So when you get the sensor, turn it around and take a closer look to the connections on the back of the board. Look at the datasheet above and follow the lines to the output pins so you get the VCC, GND and signal properly connected.


As you can see on the Fritzing scheme, the connection is not very hard. I connected the infrared to pin 11 and the 6 connections from the H-bridge can be connected whatever you like, just be sure that the leftmost pin and the rightmost pin are connected to PWM outputs on Nano. I used 5 and 10. Nice tutorial on controlling the DC motors with this module can be found here

I will provide the code later. For now be sure to connect the GND and the 5V from Nano to the proper longitudinal lines on the board, and to connect the ground from Nano and the H-bridge, like shown on the schematic.

So how it all works. After you upload your program to Nano(while you are doing that, I prefer that the power supply is not connected to the board), put your power supply on the board and check that the jumpers are on 5V. When you push that little white button, the power supply should light up and if your Nano connection from 5V to + on the board remained, the Nano will flash once signaling he is now getting powered from the Power Supply. You also now power the infrared with your power supply. Connect the wires from the 4AA battery holder (be wary they DONT touch) to the 12V and ground of the H-bridge. The H-bridge should light up and is now getting the 6V from the batteries. If you are using the rechargeable batteries, atleast in my country, they provide only 1.2V each, so when the voltage drops in the H-bridge due to its internal connections, you wont get enough voltage to power the motors. So I suggest the regular ones, 1.5V each.


The code is here just for the suggestion of how to do it, you can also use different remote codes for controlling your car. You will have to download and install the IR library.


So thats it, hope you all liked it. Here is the picture of my beast again!

If you want to, you can upgrade your little RC car in many ways, like autonomous driving, obstacle avoiding and so much more. Cheers!
