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Arduino MIDI Keyboard With Song Teaching LEDs


This is a tutorial of how to create a MIDI keyboard, along with LEDs to teach you a song, and a LCD to display which song is selected.

The LEDs can guide you on what keys to press for a particular song.
Select the song with the left and right buttons, and start it by pressing the middle one.


What you will need:

  • 6 LEDs
  • Jumper wires (both male-male and male-female)
  • A male pin header
  • An i2c LCD display
  • An Arduino Uno and an Arduino Mega
  • 3x pushbuttons
  • 9x 10k resistors
  • 1 330 ohm resistor
  • An old keyboard (I used the Casio CT-638)
  • A USB cable to connect the arduino to the computer


Take apart the keyboard case, and remove the main PCB, buttons, and speakers. All you will need is the keyboard and the keyboard PCB / ribbon cable.


Map out the key configuration for the keyboard matrix. You can do this with a multi-meter, but if you can find the schematics for it, even better! After you map out the keyboard matrix, solder the male pin header to the keyboard ribbon, so you can attach it to the breadboard.


Step 4:  the Breadboard Circut
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Attach everything to the arduino according to the diagram. Above are images of the schematics, along with how it will look with the breadboard.


Attatch the keyboard ribbon to the breadboard, and fix the LEDs to their correct keys.


Upload the code to your Uno and your Mega. If you are using a different keyboard, your input and output pins might be different. leduno.ino is for the Uno, and midipiano2 is for the Mega.



Download and install Atmel Flip. Then, connect the Mega to your computer with the USB and put it into DFU programming mode. This will allow you to program it with Atmel Flip.

Download Atmel Flip from here:

Then, download the arduino hex file from here:

Upload it to your board via Atmel Flip.


Now, if you want to play on your MIDI keyboard, all you have to do is connect it to your computer, fire up your favorite VST host or DAW, and you're ready to go!