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The Atlas IoT Monitoring Station


This tutorial will show you how to build your very own sensor monitoring station. Once completed you can use it for applications such as fish tank/aquarium, hydroponics, aquaponics, and even your swimming pool. It utilizes the Atas IoT software on the Windows IoT 10 platform for Raspberry Pi. Atlas IoT allows you to monitor in real-time, multiple parameters within your systems, for example, the potential of hydrogen (pH), conductivity, dissolved oxygen (DO), oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), temperature and carbon dioxide.




Download and install Windows 10 IoT Core Dashboard which allows you to set up your Raspberry Pi from your PC.


Insert the micro SD card into the USB card reader and plug the card reader into your PC.

The SD card MUST be a UHS (Ultra High Speed) class 1, 16GB or larger.


Once the Windows 10 IoT Core Dashboard has been installed, open the program and select Set up a new device

Signing in with a Microsoft account is not required, click Skip this step


Device type: Raspberry Pi 2 and 3

OS Build: Windows 10 IoT core 17763 (or higher)

Drive: Your micro SD card

Device Name: How you will see the Pi on your network

Password: How you will access the Pi (remember your password)

Check the box for the license terms and then click Download and install to put the IoT core software on your micro SD card. This will take about 4 minutes.

Once your micro SD card is ready, insert it into the Raspberry Pi.


The EZO circuits MUST be put into I2C mode and be assigned a unique I2C address. The addresses can be an integer number from 1 to 105. For more information on how to switch protocols and assign addresses, refer to the following LINK.

The Micro USB female to 2 micro USB male splitter cable is used to share the power from the supply with the display and Raspberry Pi.

Note: The Atlas IoT software is currently not compatible with the Raspberry Pi 3B+.


Power your device.

The boot screen may appear upside down on the display. This is remedied after the next few steps.


Once Windows 10 has finished booting, you will be asked to adjust a few settings. This is why you need the USB keyboard.

Enter the username and password, as shown in fig1 above.

Username: administrator

Password: this is the password you created in step 4.

After logging in, Windows will then ask you to connect to a Wifi network (Do not skip this step). Once the the Windows setup is complete, you will be brought to the IoT core Default Application page, shown in fig2 above.


Now that Windows 10 is on your Raspberry Pi, it is time to install the Atlas IoT software. In the IoT Dashboard, under My Devices, you should now see your Raspberry Pi.

Double click on your Raspberry Pi

Click on Open Windows Device Portal in browser. A web page will open and you will be asked to log into your newly setup device. Enter the user name and password-

Username: administrator

Password: this is the password you created in step 4


You are now in the device portal (back end) of your Raspberry Pi. Under Device Settings, you can make adjustments to things like display orientation, resolution and time zones. Also, this is where you will be able to correct the flipped screen from step 6. If you don't have any settings to adjust, move to step 10. If you do make any changes the device must reboot before you can continue.


Download the software from the following link: Atlas IoT version 1.6.

Once the zip file downloads, extract the files and head back to the IoT Core Device Portal.

Click on Apps->Apps manager. Then click Choose file and locate atlas_iot_x.x.x.x_ARM.msix from the extracted zip file you just downloaded. Don't hit install, you're not done.

Three more files are needed for the installation to be completed and they have to be added one at a time.

Click on the checkbox that says Allow me to select framework packages, click Next and then click Choose file (again), go back to your extracted zip file. Dependencies > ARM > ( you will find three .appx files in there. Double click the first file. Repeat the process for the remaining two files).

Now click install. It should take about 1 minute.


Once the installation is finished, the Atlas IoT software will be displayed on a list of installed apps. To begin running the software, click the startup button. Installation is now complete!



Refer to the following link for instructions: updating software