Ikea Dioder (Color version)
16X PWM LED Fader
Jumper Wires
potentiometer (optional)
Wire Strippers
Small flat head screw driver for screw terminals
The first step is figuring out which wire is which on the Dioder. By applying 12V to the different pins on the LED strip, we learn that the red, blue and green colors can be turned on as shown in the sketch. The 16X Fader board simply acts as a switch to ground for all three channels.
Cut and strip the 12V side of the power block. The wire with the writing on it is 12V, the other ground.
Strip and connect the Dioder wires up as shown. The main 12V lines connect to the big G and V1. Make sure to connect the 12V line to V1.
Then connect the 12V line to the LED strip to the small v1, which is connected to the large V1 through the board.
Finally, connect the red, blue and green lines to channels 2, 3 and 4, respectively.
If you plug in the 16X Fader board, the strip should be white since all three channels will be full on by default.
Finally, load the arduino code (attached as a pic) and give it a try!
Set up the serial monitor at 38400 baud, and it will print out a bunch of commands to try out. Some of them won't apply since the demo is based on using all 16 channels, but all commands relating to group 2 (g2) should work, since g2 gets mapped to channels 2-4 when you type c.
For a quick demo, type c, hit enter, then type i for a color changing effect. For more details on how to control the 16X PWM LED Fader board, see the full instructions here: