This tutorial will help you to replace other transceiver modules for any other project that includes wireless communication. We will use ESP8266 based board, one in WiFi-STA mode and the other in WiFi -AP mode, NodeMCU V3 is my choice for this project, you may use any other esp8266 board. To verify data transfer, I'm using buttons as input at one side and LEDs as output at other side, you can transmit any sensor data using this method.
Download following sketches for server and client and upload in your nodeMCU/wemos or any other ESP8266 based board, LEDs are at client side and Buttons are at server side. I'm sending data in Json format, so you guys need to attach Json library in your arduino IDE, this library will also help you to deal with multiple parameters in your other projects.
Hope this tutorial will help you in some way, kindly subscribe our youtube channel for more video tutorials.