Check out this example code where you invoke SoftwareSerial, and then use it like you normally use it in your sketches. Program your ATTiny with this:
(BTW Anyone know how to embed github code in an instructable? I tried gists, and gist-it)
Connect the pins labeled "3" and "4" on your ATTINY Programmer to pins "0" and "1" on your full sized arduino. Connect your big arduino to your USB.
Make sure to program your "slave" full sized arduino to a simple program that is not using the serial (or else you can have conflicts). I recommend programming the slave arduino with the
It just looks like this
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
In the Arduino Software click the button in the upper right to open the Serial Monitor. Make sure that your big arduino device was recognized under "Tools>Serial Port"
Now you should be able to see what your ATTINY is saying!
This is a great tool for debugging, or if you need to send commands to some other program like a processing sketch to visualize what your ATTiny is sensing!