This is the second and new Version of my Claw Machine (Old Version)
As I announced in my first Version, the "new" Machine will be painted and setted up with an Arduino.
As I used LEGO in my last machine for the Gantry, I now buyed a cheap one of a German Arcade shop.
I rewired the whole Assembly for my purposes and added a Printer Port cable for easy plug and unplug. Watch the pictures to get yourselfes inspired.
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In the Pictures you can see the assembled Claw Gantry and the Field for the Prices. There is a Printer Cable for easy plug and unplug the whole Gantry.
Now I tested the Motors of the Gantry, because it was selled as "not tested". But as you can see in the Video, e.g the up/down motor works, as well as the X and Y motor.
The most difficult part of this project is the programming. In the pictures you can see a few impressions of the Arduino setup. The PDF file is the Logic program that runs on the Arduino. All in all it is about 350 lines of code.
So here it is: The finished Claw Machine, now also with Plexi glass. I also uploaded a Video on YouTube which you can watch here.
As easy as it sounds to build his own, realistic and working Claw Machine, we had really a lot of Problems that had to be solved, and the whole Project startet one and a half years ago. So if you are also trying to build your own crane machine, do not lose patience and keep working on it until it is as amazing as this one :)
Special thanks to CS for doing the whole programming and helping me to finish this project!