Hi Everyone,
It's been awhile! I started grad school recently, so I've been a bit absent for the past year or so. But I'm finally back to making :) I made some wheels for my first robot this semester, and I wanted to share them with you all. Here goes!
Stuff You'll Need:
Things To Note:
* I used machine wax, but you can also mill moulds from foam or MDF. Just make sure you seal them and add some kind of release compound so you can get your piece out later.
** I used a 3d printer for this iteration of wheel hubs, but you can also make them with other materials like wood!
Make a 3d model that accurately describes how your wheel (tire and hub) will attach to your motor shaft. Pay attention to dimensions, especially motor shaft diameter and length. I recommend making a test print for the motor shaft hole diameter. Be sure to have some super glue on hand if your press fit comes loose.
I designed my wheels in Rhino for Pololu Micro Metal Gearbox motors. I have included my Rhino files for the wheels and the motor shaft hole size test. Content in this Instructable was made from the Rhino files.
If you use Fusion, here is a file to get you started: Fusion360 Wheels
I used a 3in x 6in x 1.5in piece of machine wax to create a negative mould from the wheel model. Please reference the wheels.3dm file for the mould geometry.
Use CAM software to generate the toolpaths for the Shopbot. I recommend the following:
I have added the gcode for my mould. Mould-25endmill.SBP is for the 1/4" endmill. Mould-125endmill.SBP is for the 1/8" endmill and drill.
Wear safety goggles! PROTECT YOUR EYES! Prepare the ShopBot for milling. Mount the wax block on the machine bed with hot glue along all edges. Make sure the wax is secure. Run the job!
The mould should come out beautifully clean. Here are a few examples of wheels moulds I made.
Be sure to countersink the drill holes from the bottom. Otherwise your screws will be too short to clamp the hubs to the mould.
Clamp the 3d printed hubs to the wax mould using the 1.5" 4-40 screws and nuts.
Using the disposable cups and stirring sticks, mix a small amount of OOMOO (about 1/3 to 1/2 cup).
Transfer the mixed OOMOO into a sandwich bag. Snip a corner off the bag and carefully pipe the OOMOO into the mould (like frosting).
Let the silicone cure.