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How to Make a Windows XP Error Message


Have you ever seen those fake Windows XP error messages on YouTube and other places that people make? Have you wondered, "How do they make those?" Well, today I will show you how to create an error message of your own for free without signing up for anything or sharing your address. It proves to be easier than you would think, actually. So let's get started! 


All you really need is a computer with Internet. So move on to step 2!


Go to this link:
After going there, select which icon to use, fill in the text boxes at the bottom (make sure the XP style is selected, above the text boxes) and click "Generate an error message"


The page should reload with your error message at the top. To save it to your computer, simply right-click (Mac users need to Ctrl-click) and click "Save picture as" (Mac users may have to click something different)
And now upload it to YouTube or something!


Leave a comment below showing your error message that you created. Also, be sure to visit the Error Message Gallery on the site for user-made ideas.