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Humanoid Robot Head: InMoov


InMoov is a 3D printed humanoide robot made for the french Gael Langevin. It started as a prosthetic hand.

We decided to replicate InMoov (at least its head) in order to show how easy is to get involved into the world of robotics. Even the children can make their own InMoov.


-3D printer

-Servos (2)

-Arduino Uno

-Speakers (2)

-voice recording module


I'll sort these steps into the order I made it.


After download all the .stl files and 3D printed them, screw the main gear in the neck hinge.


Insert the servo gear into the hole that looks like a sea shell of the gear holder. Then, insert the main gear in the other hole of the holder.


Insert the ring in the main gear and screw it.


Screw the low back in the holder the way as the picture shows.


Take the face holders and carefully (but hard) insert them on the little protuberances of the gear holder. The ones on the sides.


Insert every jaw hinge on his respective side on the face holders.

Now let's leave this aside and go to put together the face.


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Take the side hear 's and the top mouth and screw them as is shown in the pictures.


Take the last assembly and the eye glass and screw the corners.


Now we have to get together the face and the neck mechanism by screw those parts (the one you see in the picture).


Now to assemble the skull we need the parts of the Top Back Skull and Top left Skull, screw them as shown in the picture. There are little reliefs, try to make them match.


To form the jaw we have to take the jaw supports and the jaw and screw them as shown in the picture.


Take that little disk that you see on the gear and screw it right there.

This disk usually comes with the servos.


Insert the assembled jaw on the face front and fix it on every jaw hinge to the sides.


Take another disk for servos, screw it into the piston and put the piston into the hinge. This is going to be located between the jaw supports.


Now you must take the Skull Servo fix and screw the servos both there.

I didn't have the right servo for the head, so I had to improvise and to fix the servo into the skull servo fix I glued some pieces that I had. If you don't fix this servo the head won't move.

Then you need to fix tha skull servo fix into the mechanism we have, It's simple, you are going to see quickly where you have to screw it, but if you don't just look at the picture.

When you do this you will connect the servos with the piston and the gear so they'll be able to transfer motion.

Check the servos are right-placed in their respective disk.


Finally, screw the right and left skull into the head so it finally looks like a normal head.

If you want you can make a base to hold the head so you don't have to take it with your hands.


The only PCB you will need is that one, only 2 lines (one for ground and one for Vcc) for the servos and the arduino.

I leave you here the code I'm using

To give a voice to InMoov you need the recording voice module Bk-isd1820. You just need to connect it to the 3.3v output, to ground and the PE pin to the arduino and thats it, you can record whatever you want.
