Im going to teach you how to make a web browser in Visual Basic 2005.
Open Visual Basic and start a new Windows Application.
Add a: Text Box Web Browser 5 Buttons in that order.
Arrange them like this and rename them like I did.
Double click on the form and type in:Me.Text = "Web Browser"like this:
double click on the Go button and type in: WebBrowser1.Navigate(TextBox1.Text)
Click (actually double click) on the back button and type in: WebBrowser1.GoBack() like this
Double click on the forward button and type in: WebBrowser1.GoForward() like this
double click on the refresh button and type in: WebBrowser1.Refresh() like this
Double click on the home button and type: WebBrowser1.GoHome() like this
Click on the Debug button
Click on build then click on publish and keep clicking next like these three pictures Im putting up
you've finally created a web browser! now give yourself a hand and go sell it online or something.