A Raspberry-pi handheld platform with a physical keyboard, Display and Expansion header for custom boards (Like Arduino Shield).
First take a look at this in 3D usingAutoDesk Fusion 360 Online.
Now see some key features.
So make yours and help us to make a Community around it.
Youtube channel.
Again take a look at this in 3D using AutoDesk Fusion 360 Online.
A Raspberry-pi handheld platform with a physical keyboard, Display and Expansion header for add-on baords (Like Arduino Shield).
Here we will discusses what you need to build one. This device is very easy to make, you don't need lots of tools and parts.
No codding skill is needed. just basic stuff like upload a code to Arduino, little skill in Linux CMD line to install the driver. Little soldering skill that's all.
You need this parts to make one for your self (this are not affiliate links):
Download all the Parts STL files from here print by your self or use printedsolid.
And use this two garber files from display_PCB and main_PCB order the pcbs from JLC_PCB or pcb way or oshpark .
Install the Raspbian in the sd card.
connect the sd card and boot.
Now follow the guide here to install the driver.
After the driver installed it will reboot. Now you can see the boot in the Pi screen.
I will add an image that have the LCD driver installed. But don't know hoe to make. if you know let me know it will be very helpful.
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