In my previous article. I have already shown how to use the Output device on Arduino. The output devices include "7-Segment", "RGB ring", "Led Matrix" and "2x16 LCD".
In this article, I will also show you how to use the Output device on Arduino. The output device that I use this time is the P10 Led Module.
This Led is almost the same as the Led matrix that I used before. The difference is the size and number of LEDs.
For this tutorial, here are the components we need:
Required Library:
This is the P10 led module installation scheme for Arduino:
P10 Led to Arduino
OE ==> D9
A ==> D6
CLK ==> D13
SCLK ==> D8
DATA ==> D11
This module must be supplied with an external 5V power supply. So the module can light up.
If not given an external supply can still be lit. but the results are not very bright.
for the difference between modules that use an external supply and not. the difference can be seen in the step result.
Make sure the "DMD2" Library is installed in the Arduino IDE.
Below is a sketch that I made to try this P10 Led Module.
#include #includeconst int WIDTH = 1;
const uint8_t *FONT = Arial14;
SoftDMD dmd(WIDTH,1); DMD_TextBox box(dmd);
void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); dmd.setBrightness(255); dmd.selectFont(FONT); dmd.begin(); }
void loop() {
The above sketch is a small example of the use of this p10 Led Module. for other sketches about this module, see Examples provided by the library.