hello every one. here i shared the project "pong game using fpga kit". fpga is field programmable gate array. it is a technology that we can design any digital device by programming. that means the fpga kit act as any digital device that based on our program. the fpga has separate programming languages verilog and vhdl. These two are hardware description language used for only to program FPGA. In this project i used altera cyclone iii fpga kit. here i used vhdl language.so here the kit act as mini cpu to run the game it self. the pong game achieved using vhdl language. Let us see how to build this project.
For program the fpga kit we need software quartus II. To download quartus ii software visit the link bellow:
To download coding for this project coding file click the link bellow:
steps to program the fpga kit:
Note: The project file you downloaded for this project is only work with DE0 cyclone iii kit alone. if you want to use this code with other altera company kit you need to do following things.
If you use cyclone iii kit means no problem
If you use want to use other altera kits like DE2 board , DE1 board,etc. then follow the next step.
If you use other devices then click project - > add/remove Files in project.
After changing device you need to change the pin assignment
for button_l and button_r select push buttons
for reset and start select slide switches.
for other outputs select vga outputs.
Note: after programming the kit make the reset slide switch as high to working of project . if the reset switch is low then it will continuously resetting we can't see the output.
connect the kit to monitor you can see that game showing in the monitor play it using push buttons in the fpga kit that you assigned previously.
Thank you for watching