fully autonomous cars, without steering wheels or brake pedals are most hot topic in 2017 .so i decided make something like that but it was soo challengive !
in my project self driving car or autonomous guided vehicle is a self-piloted vehicle that does not require an operator to navigate and accomplish its tasks. My autonomous vehicle is presented which employs a GPS Receiver Module to capture the GPS signal and determine the current location of the vehicle. The system is controlled using an Arduino uno, a magnetic compass sensor and DC motors. The compass sensor determines the vehicle direction by continuously providing measurement of heading. The micro-controller drives the DC motors to move the vehicle to a manually entered destination coordinates. Obstacle detection and avoidance are achieved by incorporating a ultrasonic sensor to measure the distance between the vehicle and the obstacle, and avoidance is implemented by the micro-controller. The designed autonomous vehicle is able to navigate itself independently from one location to a user-prescribed location, using GPS-location data. The vehicle measures the bearing angle, and changes its heading towards the destination and repeats the process as it moves to the destination. The performance of the vehicle is enhanced with a capability to detect and avoid unexpected obstructions placed in its path.
HMC5883L - Adafruit electronics compass
gear motors
male to female connecting wires
diy rover kit
l293d diver
self driving car run smoothly but accuracy of gps is very low
watch test video test one
full video comming soon