This ESP8266 ESPDuino NodeMcu SPI Module TFT LCD display has 128 x 128 resolution and 262 color, it uses SPI interface to communicate with controller such as Arduino Uno and ESP8266.
For details of this module, you may refer to here.
For this tutorial,it is necessary to download and install the AdaFruit_GFX and the TFT_ILI9163 libraries. These libraries are enable ESP8266 ESPDuino NodeMcu SPI Module connect with Arduino.To be able to interface the ESP8266 ESPDuino NodeMcu SPI Module with arduino, you will have to download this library and save it into your Arduino's libraries files. Then, download this sample source code and upload it.
This video shows the demonstration of the tutorial for the ESP8266 ESPDuino NodeMcu SPI Module.