Kit theory test distance of about 4 - 9 meters, but the practical application depends on the ambient factors you use, as well as the middle barrier (such as diaphragm, glass, obstructions or other material blocking), receiving head with HX1838 with power work instructions lights, receive 38K frequency any remote coding data.
1. Connect your IR Receiver to Arduino Uno Board as following :
2. Connect your LCD to Arduino Uno Board as following :
3. Connect 10K Potentiometer to LCD as following :
4. After completely connect the whole circuit, connect your Arduino Uno Boad to your computer using USB Cable.
You have to download both of these libraries. Open and extract this to your Arduino's Libraries folder. refer the picture above if you need help on how to extract the libraries.
decoder.rar is a sample source code that will help you recognizing your ir signal number and remotecontrol.rar is a sample source code that will show you how ir remotes control work. Download both of the sample source code below and this sample source code will be explain on the next step.
Unpack decoder.rar and open it on your Arduino IDE. Go to Tools > Board > Arduino/Genuino Uno and Tools > Port > select your Arduino's port. Then, upload decoder sample source code on your Arduino board. via USB cable. Wait till Arduino IDE done uploading and open the serial. Now, press any button on your IR Remote control. Your serial monitor should have print you some numbers.
I click OK button and serial monitor print :
when I click OK button and hold it for a while. Serial monitor print
Now, i click number 1 button and hold it for a while. Serial monitor will print
You can see that when you hold up any button for a few second, you will get a repeating value (4294967295). Thus, it obviously the first number that matter. Now, repeat the same step for all button and record the first number printed when you press you remote control's button. You will need the signal number of your IR remote control it for the next step.
This is my IR Remote Control signal number :
Now, unpack your remotecontrol.rar and open the .ino file. Notice this code below in the remotecontrol.ino
case 0: //change zero to your IR remote UP button number lcd.clear(); lcd.print("UP"); break;
You have to change 0 to whatever number your IR remote button makes. Below is the example code :
case 16736925: lcd.clear(); lcd.print("UP"); break;
You have to change 0 to your remote control's OK's signal number for case that print lcd.print("OK"). Do this for all button you have on your remote control. Refer the picture above for more understanding. When you have completely updating your case number, check your board and port again, and upload the code into your Arduino Uno Board.
This video shows how IR Remote control work based on our sample source code.