We got some of the brand new MKR ENV shields some days ago. These shields have several sensors (temperature, air pressure, humidity, UV.... ) on board - a good collection to create a simple weather station together with our ArduiTouch MKR kit. We've used an Arduino MKR 1010 with WiFi as main board to receive some weather information for a simple forecast by openweather map.org. In the end the display of the ArduiTouch will show a simple forecast and outside temperature together with the measured indoor temperature, air pressure and humidity.
Install the following libraries through Arduino Library Manager:
AdafruitGFX Library https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit-GFX-Library/...
AdafruitILI9341 Library https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_ILI9341
Arduino JSON Library 5.x https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_ILI9341
You can also download the library also directly as ZIP file and uncompress the folder under yourarduinosketchfolder/libraries/
After installing the Adafruit libraries, restart the Arduino IDE.
You can download the firmware from our website
Some changes in the source code are required for customisation:
WiFi: Please enter the SSID and password in the lines 63 and 64
char* ssid ="yourssid"; // SSID of local network
char* password ="yourpassword"; // Password on network
Account for OpenWeatherMap: To receive later data by the platform OpenWeatherMap you will need an own account. Sign uphere to get an API key: https://openweathermap.org/appid
Enter your API key in line 71:
String APIKEY = "your_api_key";
Your location: Go to https://openweathermap.org/appid and search for a location. Go through the result set and select the entry closest to the actual location you want to display data for. It'll be a URL like https://openweathermap.org/appid The number at the end is what you assign to the constant below. Enter the number of your location in line 72
String CityID = "your_city_id";
Time: Please choose your timezone in line 73
int TimeZone = 1;