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Arduino 24h Binary Clock with Seconds (17 LEDs) © GPL3+


This clock does not (yet) synchronise with any time server and does not use a real time clock module to stay exactly on time (yet).

It just runs a basic seconds count with a 1000 millisecond delay in the sketch. LEDs are connected to PWM 3 to 19 with a resistor each.

Note that: PWM pins 14 to 19 are the Analog pins 0 to 5.

I will be adding Internet time synchronisation soon. Stay tuned and hit Follow! ;)

Enjoy and greetings,

Peter Lunk

24h Binary Clock with Seconds - Demo Video


A000066 iso both
Arduino UNO & Genuino UNO
09590 01
LED (generic)
I used 10 red, 6 green and 1 Orange LED.
Mfr 25frf52 100r sml
Resistor 100 ohm
1 Resistor for every LED


This clock does not (yet) synchronise with any time server and does not use a real time clock module to stay exactly on time (yet).

It just runs a basic seconds count with a 1000 millisecond delay in the sketch. LEDs are connected to PWM 3 to 19 with a resistor each.

Note that: PWM pins 14 to 19 are the Analog pins 0 to 5.

I will be adding Internet time synchronisation soon. Stay tuned and hit Follow! ;)

Enjoy and greetings,

Peter Lunk

24h Binary Clock with Seconds - Demo Video


Arduino 24h Binary Clock with Seconds Sketch / codeArduino
// Arduino 24h Binary Clock with Seconds. (17 LEDs total)
// You can find a demonstration video of this project
// here on Youtube:
// Full project on :
// Greetings, MrLunk

// pins 2 - 13 are the regular digital pwm pins.
int ledPinsSec[] = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7};
int ledPinsMin[] = {8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13};

// pins 14 - 20 are the analog pins 0 - 5 used as digital pwm pins  
int ledPinsHr[] = {14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19};

// set Start time here
int countS = 0;   // Seconds
int countM = 13;  // Minutes
int countH = 23;  // Hours

byte countSec;
byte countMin;
byte countHr;
#define nBitsSec sizeof(ledPinsSec)/sizeof(ledPinsSec[0])
#define nBitsMin sizeof(ledPinsMin)/sizeof(ledPinsMin[0])
#define nBitsHr sizeof(ledPinsHr)/sizeof(ledPinsHr[0])

void setup(void)
  for (byte i = 0; i < nBitsSec; i++) {
    pinMode(ledPinsSec[i], OUTPUT);

  for (byte i = 0; i < nBitsMin; i++) {
    pinMode(ledPinsMin[i], OUTPUT);

  for (byte i = 0; i < nBitsHr; i++) {
    pinMode(ledPinsHr[i], OUTPUT);

// ----- Main Routine -------------------------------------------------

void loop(void)
  countS = (countS + 1);
  if (countS > 59)
    countS = 0;
    countM = (countM + 1);
    if (countM > 59)
      countM = 0;
      countH = (countH + 1);
      if (countH > 23)
        countH = 0;
        countM = 0;
        countS = 0;


  delay(1000);   // 1000 milliseconds = approx. 1 second delay
  // ADJUST for fast or slow running clock here, in milliseconds.

// ----- Subroutines ---------------------------------------------------

void dispBinarySec(byte nSec)
  for (byte i = 0; i < nBitsSec; i++) {
    digitalWrite(ledPinsSec[i], nSec & 1);
    nSec /= 2;

void dispBinaryMin(byte nMin)
  for (byte i = 0; i < nBitsMin; i++) {
    digitalWrite(ledPinsMin[i], nMin & 1);
    nMin /= 2;

void dispBinaryHr(byte nHr)
  for (byte i = 0; i < nBitsHr; i++) {
    digitalWrite(ledPinsHr[i], nHr & 1);
    nHr /= 2;


Arduino 24h Binary Clock with Seconds Schematics
24h binary clock with seconds arduino 8izwvkeez6