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Arduino EMF Detector A.K.A Ghost Detector © GPL3+


Halloween is near so I present to you Arduino EMF detector a.k.a Ghost Detector Circuit.

Here LED is Connected Such that its positive terminal is connected at 11th pin of Arduino and negative terminal is connected to GND and analog pin 5 through 10k resistor. Add Antenna from analog pin 5 of Arduino. Now, upload code and your Ghost Detector is ready!


09507 01
Soldering iron (generic)



Halloween is near so I present to you Arduino EMF detector a.k.a Ghost Detector Circuit.

Here LED is Connected Such that its positive terminal is connected at 11th pin of Arduino and negative terminal is connected to GND and analog pin 5 through 10k resistor. Add Antenna from analog pin 5 of Arduino. Now, upload code and your Ghost Detector is ready!


Untitled fileC/C++
int inPin = 5;             // analog 5 
int val = 0;                 // where to store info from analog 5
int pin11 = 11;         // output of red led

void setup() {

void loop() {
  val = analogRead(inPin);                    // reads in the values from analog 5 and
                                                                   //assigns them to val
  if(val >= 1){
    val = constrain(val, 1, 100);               // mess with these values                                       
    val = map(val, 1, 100, 1, 255);        // to change the response distance of the device
    analogWrite(pin11, val);                    // *note also messing with the resistor should change  
                                                                   // the sensitivity
   }else{                                                     // analogWrite(pin11, val); just tuns on the led with 
                                                                  // the intensity of the variable val
    analogWrite(pin11, 0);                     // the else statement is just telling the microcontroller
                                                                 // to turn off the light if there is no EMF detected
 Serial.println(val);                                // use output to aid in calibrating


Captureemf xgn1bvnqqw