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Trybotics is Worlds's Largest online Tech Community, where you can learn, update your skills, compete with fellow techies and get your dream job. Learn how to make anything with Trybotics. Easy to follow step-by-step instructions, online classes, and a vibrant maker community. Find out how to do almost anything on Trybotics, the world's biggest Show and Tell. Here people can learn, explore, make and share their technical skills by reading or writing material of their project or research work, which best portrays their talent and we provide the opportunity to get recognition and fame. In this world, where there are more than a billion population and every single person have some of the other talents in them, there are only handful options available where people can show their talent to the world and get the desired recognition for their skills.

Considering the above mentioned limitations and understanding the scope of reaching to millions of people by providing them an opportunity to showcase their talent to the world and in the meantime to get popularity for their talent, we have come up with this platform where anyone can showcase their talent in their field. The foremost vision of Trybotics is to provide a unique opportunity to connect with the people who really need the employee like you.
Karan Shaw

Karan Shaw


Khushboo Kumari

Khushboo Kumari


Motilal Poddar

Motilal Poddar


Tarun Shaw

Tarun Shaw


Shilu Jaiswal

Shilu Jaiswal


Satyajit Chaterjee

Satyajit Chaterjee

Lead Designer

Dipesh Baheti

Dipesh Baheti

Lead Engineer

Shilpa Shaw

Shilpa Shaw

Lead Human Resources

Md Shshnawaz Alam

Md Shshnawaz Alam

R&D Head

Kishan Shaw

Kishan Shaw

Web Developer & Designer

Komal Shaw

Komal Shaw

Marketing Head

Poonam Kumari

Poonam Kumari

Public Relation Head

Soumit Acharjee

Soumit Acharjee

Software Engineer

Your Name

Your Name

You Can Be Next

Workshop In IIT
Workshop In IIT
Workshop In MIT
Workshop In MIT
Workshop In BIT
Workshop In BIT
Dev Expo KIIT
Dev Expo KIIT
RedBull Entrepreneurship Workshop
RedBull Entrepreneurship Workshop
Google I/O Extended
Google I/O Extended
Tech Conference
Tech Conference
Atlassian Workshop
Atlassian Workshop
Python Workshop In BCET
Python Workshop In BCET
Web Development Workshop
Web Development Workshop
Robotics Workshop
Robotics Workshop
AI/ML Workshop
AI/ML Workshop
Utkal Hackathon
Utkal Hackathon
AI/ML Workshop
AI/ML Workshop
Techno India Workshop
Techno India Workshop
Azure Bootcamp
Azure Bootcamp
School Workshop
School Workshop
JNTUK Workshop
JNTUK Workshop
Summer Training
Summer Training
Winter Training
Winter Training
Research Work
Research Work
Quadcopter Workshop
Quadcopter Workshop
Scout Camp
Scout Camp